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Part-Time/Hybrid Program

Thank you for your interest in our Part-Time/Hybrid JD program! 我们花了数年时间研究和开发一种新的创新课程,旨在使那些不能上传统意义上的法学院的学生受益, and we believe that we are offering an excellent, top-rate program of study.

About two-thirds of the program is online. After orientation, you will attend on-campus for no more than two long weekends a semester, and your fourth year is entirely online. Our online sessions are designed to be completed in an asynchronous manner, 这意味着你可以按照自己的节奏学习,而不需要在固定的时间参加课程. We are proud of this innovative approach, one of the first of its kind.

Please investigate our program further, and let us know if we can help. 值得注意的是,至少在第一年,我们的项目只招收25名学生. If you are interested, 我们鼓励您查看有关我们项目的信息并尽快申请.


Useful Links

澳门威尼斯人赌城邓肯法学院(LMU Law)是由美国律师协会法律教育和律师入学委员会批准的, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois 60654, 312-988-6738. LMU法律已经从理事会获得了实质性变化的默许,以提供兼职混合JD计划. 

请注意,一些法学院可能不接受本课程的转学分. Furthermore, 每个司法管辖区都有自己的律师资格和参加律师资格考试的标准. As graduates of an ABA-approved law school and program, 兼职混合法学博士课程的毕业生将满足大多数司法管辖区目前的法律教育要求,因此有资格获得大多数州的律师资格. However, LMU Law advises all applicants to the Part-Time/Hybrid J.D. 与他们可能寻求获得律师资格的司法管辖区进行核实,以确保从兼职/混合课程毕业后,他们将有资格参加律师资格考试并在这些司法管辖区获得律师资格. 所有相关律师入学机构的联系信息可通过 National Conference of Bar Examiners


Faculty and Staff

学校有一群杰出的教师和工作人员,他们将指导你完成你的法学院经历. 教师队伍由院长马修·里昂(Matthew Lyon)领导,冯达·劳克林(Vonda Laughlin)协助的高素质教育工作者组成, the Associate Dean for the Hybrid/Part-Time program. Information regarding professors is available here: [link to faculty page]. Our faculty, which includes attorneys and current and former judges, work hard to provide you with the personalized experience you need to succeed. 他们是经验丰富的从业者和在家庭法等领域具有专长的有成就的学者, criminal law, corporate law, and estate planning. Plus, 我们的许多教授都曾是联邦和州法院的司法书记员,这使他们能够了解法院系统的内部运作.

In reviewing faculty at the school, 你可能需要特别注意下面列出的在第一学期教学的教授. Notably, Dean Lyon, 谁对这个计划有很大的兴趣,谁直接参与了它的实施, will be teaching in the program’s first semester.


Matthew Lyon,

Vice President of Lincoln Memorial University, Dean, and Professor of Law

Civil Procedure I

Arlene Amarante,

Associate Professor of Law

Legal Communication I

Katie Jones,

Director of Academic Success and Assessment & Associate Professor of Law

Legal Foundations

Dr. April Meldrum,

Professor of Law


Gordon Russell,

Associate Dean, Professor of Law, and Director of the Law Library

Legal Research I